Tuesday 6 November 2012


hi there....

its been a while tak post ape2 kt this blog...im still active n bz decorating hantaran to my lovely customers..almost every weekend ade hantaran...syukur alhamdulillah...

and i would like to THANK to ALL MY CUSTOMERS for all ur support and trust...and for all the compliments..im so happy that all my customers were very happy and satisfied wit my job..THANKS AGAIN!!

for latest info n pics just check out our FB Page

FB page : Gubahan Hantaran by i.r.r.a creations

Sunday 5 August 2012

*introducing NEW EXCLUSIVE trays*

hi there!!

we are introducing our NEW EXCLUSIVE trays...we provide our service at very reasonable price from AS LOW AS RM49 ONLY!!

( *price inclusive of FOC for rental of our EXCLUSIVE TRAY,dulang par and alas dulang..we only use FRESH FLOWERS according to ur theme color)

lets check out our NEW EXCLUSIVE TRAYS...

for MORE PICS & INFO, lets check out our FB page: Gubahan Hantaran by i.r.r.a creations :

Wednesday 1 August 2012

*latest tray collections*

hi there!!

xsmpat nk upload kite nye latest tray collections..these trays were exclusively introduced during PAMERAN PENGANTIN MALAYSIA kt SACC tempoh hari...

lets check it out peeps...

or check out our page @ facebook : Gubahan Hantaran by i.r.r.a creations
for more updates ;-)

Monday 16 July 2012


hi there,

Last weekend (13/7/2012 - 15/7/2012) i.r.r.a creations berada di pameran pengantin malaysia....
thanx a lot for those yg telah membuat tempahan hantaran dgn kami..dan tahniah kpd anda kerana mendapat percuma deco utk 1 dulang hantaran anda...

dan berita baik kpd yg belum membuat tempahan bleh la booking skrg..i.r.r.a creations masih lg mengekalkan harga dari rm49 per dulang...tp promosi utk percuma 1 dulang hantaran dah TAMAT...

**Kami hanya menggunakan BUNGA SEGAR/FRESH FLOWERS

call kami skrg utk tempahan or pertanyaan


facebook: Gubahan Hantaran  by I.r.r.a creations

Peach,Pink n White

hi there!

ni hantaran utk Hidayah..these hantaran for her engagement...
she requested peach,pink n white colors for her flowers..
and this is the result...

SOOOO sweeettt...

Saturday 2 June 2012

latest project ;)

hi there...

check out our latest project...hantaran utk majlis pertunangan Zam and Ita...

taaa daaaa...

from Ita to Zam....theme color red and white..so kami serikan lg with gold ribbons...nmpk exclusive gitu...cantik sgt...i like...bunga2 merah tu sgt cantik..so red velvet ;p

ok these are the gubahan...

                                                       *bekas tu disediakn kosong utk Ita isikan dgn wajik..nyum2

and from Zam to Ita...zam suke sgt nk bunga2 putih  n silver2...actually dia mmg minat sgt hantaran yg 1st skali dlm our blog entry...(white n silver theme color)...tp kami ubah kn sedikit dgn menggabungkn 3 jenis bunga (roses, orchid and kekwa) agar ade kelainan sket...

so these are the gubahan...

and....ita juga ade menempah hand bouquet utk hari pertunangan beliau...dia nk same color with her hantaran...so ini lah dia...

alhamdulillah, our clients were very happy dgn hasil kerja kami...untuk pengetahuan, majlis pertunangan ni berlangsung di Kelantan..Kg Cik Ita...sebenarnye xde masalah pn nk wat fresh flowers nye hantaran from KL-Kelantann...sbbnye kami di I.r.r.a Creations hanya menggunakan bunga2 segar yg sgt segar SAHAJA...

and I.C juga sgt happy...bile Zam tgk jer hantaran2 ni ats meja dia trus ckp "WOW!!"...kami pn happy la dgn reaksi client kami... ;)

Thanks to Zam n Ita kerana memilih I.r.r.a Creations  ;)

So, sape 2 yg berminat atau ingin bertanya ttg hantaran2 ini, jgn malu jgn segan cepat2 la cal

email : irracreations@gmail.com

Sunday 4 March 2012

new project...PART 2

hantaran untuk majlis pernikahan IRA and EJAM...

ni pics hantaran dri EJAM utk YA...
theme : pinkish (SWEEEEEETT)  ;)

and ade lg dua tray utk majlis akad nikah kt masjid...

* duit hantaran (cek)
* mas kahwin n gelang emas utk membatal air sembahyang

bekas hantaran putih (round shape) ni pun xperlu pakai dulang par sbb da 'berkaki'...

sesiapa yang berminat boleh menhubungi kami



email : i.r.r.a.creations@gmail.com


new project...PART 1

TQ for IRA and IJAM kerana memilih i.r.r.a.creations untuk meggubah hantaran anda berdua..
semoga kekal bahagia hingga ke syurga kami doakan...amin...

hantaran for chik ya and chik ejam ;)

from chik ya to chik ejam
(theme color : purple and gold)...NICE!!

untuk hantaran ni kami guna tray white square yg dah 'berkaki'...so x perlu lg guna dulang par ;)

if interested do contact us :
or email : i.r.r.a.creations@gmail.com